OpenFOAM Training Courses
We have created OpenFOAM Training courses to meet the needs of CFD users today. The training draws on experience of delivering training to 2500 participants. It addresses the challenges of CFD analysis through a modular curriculum that builds competence across the core components of CFD: fluid dynamics; physical modelling; geometry and meshing; numerical methods; data analysis; and, computing and programming.
We have tackled the problem of getting to grips with OpenFOAM by making OpenFOAM easier to use. CFD Direct is able to do this because it includes the architect/co-founders of OpenFOAM. Changes include: template cases, that provide a convenient way to set up and start a new simulation; packaged tools, that can be plugged into a case as required; separating required user input data from application configuration controls, e.g. for snappyHexMesh; code feature changes to reduce the number of steps required for a given task.
The training involves learning through experience. We present participants with representative cases spanning a range of scientific disciplines and industries, e.g. external aerodynamics of a car, wind flow around buildings, static mixer, nozzle jet, cyclone, water channel, etc. CFD solutions are built in small, digestible steps with periods of reflection to reinforce new concepts. The process of small steps also reflects real CFD practice, in which trouble-free, complex simulations cannot usually be set up in “one go”.