Will Bainbridge began working with OpenFOAM in 2010. He worked as a core developer of OpenFOAM from 2013-2015 and rejoined his former colleagues at CFD Direct to develop OpenFOAM in 2017.
- CFD Direct Ltd, OpenFOAM Developer, March 2017 – Present.
- LUSAS, Software Engineer, September 2015-February 2017.
- OpenCFD Ltd, Software Engineer, June 2013 – August 2015.
OpenFOAM Development
- Field- based Lagrangian development.
- Non-Conformal Coupled (NCC) system for conservative coupling of non-conforming patches.
- Barycentric particle-tracking algorithm.
- Generalised mass and volume sources.
- Phase change and reactions in Euler-Euler multiphase solvers.
- Mass-fraction-based chemistry system.
- Water wave modelling.
- PhD, Jet Engine Combustion, University of Cambridge, 2009-2013.
- MEng, Mechanical Engineering, University of Cambridge, 2008-2009.
- BA, Mechanical Engineering, University of Cambridge, 2005-2008.