In Year 4 of CFD Direct, we developed new functionality in OpenFOAM and maintained critical components of the code base, reducing the number of unresolved issues by 17%. We managed the OpenFOAM Foundation: promoting sustainable development, releasing OpenFOAM v6, packaging OpenFOAM-dev and publishing websites and documentation. We contributed 1383 man-hours of unfunded work in-kind to OpenFOAM, including organising and presenting at the OpenFOAM Open Day. We delivered 60 days of OpenFOAM Training, and provided low-cost cloud CFD with CFD Direct From the Cloud™, running 1.3 million core-hrs.
OpenFOAM v7 Training 2020
In Spring 2020, CFD Direct is running its OpenFOAM Training courses — Essential CFD, Applied CFD, and Programming CFD — fully updated with the latest features of the new version 7 release of OpenFOAM. Essential and Applied CFD courses are available — with some remote places for remote attendance — on: 3-6 Feb, London UK; 24-27 Feb, Houston USA; 11-15 May, Virtual; 15-19 Jun, Virtual. Programming CFD is available as Virtual Training on 28-30 Jan, 17-19 Mar, 9-11 and 7-9 Jul.
CFD Direct Year 3: 2017-2018
In Year 3 of CFD Direct, we developed new functionality in OpenFOAM and maintained critical components of the code base, reducing the number of unresolved issues by 45%. We managed the OpenFOAM Foundation: promoting sustainable development, releasing OpenFOAM v5, packaging OpenFOAM-dev and publishing websites and documentation. We delivered 60 days of OpenFOAM Training, introducing our new “hybrid” classroom-virtual courses to host participants in person and remotely. We launched the new Cloud CFD course to teach inexpensive, secure, efficient CFD with CFD Direct From the Cloud™.
OpenFOAM v7 Training
In Autumn 2019, CFD Direct is running its OpenFOAM Training courses — Essential CFD, Applied CFD, Programming CFD and Cloud CFD — fully updated with the latest features of the new version 7 release of OpenFOAM. Essential and Applied CFD courses are available: 24-27 Sep, London UK; 15-18 Oct, Chicago USA; 30 Oct – 1 Nov and 5-7 Nov, Virtual Training; 12-15 Nov, Munich Germany. Programming CFD is available 11-13 Sep and 2-4 Oct as Virtual Training. We use new features in OpenFOAM v7 for more productive and effective CFD.
OpenFOAM v6 Training 2019
In Spring 2019, CFD Direct is running its OpenFOAM Training courses — Essential CFD, Applied CFD, Programming CFD and Cloud CFD — fully updated with the latest features of the new version 6 release of OpenFOAM. Essential and Applied CFD courses are available — with some remote places for remote attendance — on: 4-7 Feb, London UK; 25-28 Feb, Houston USA; 20-23 May, Cologne Germany; 13-16 Jun, Denver USA. Programming CFD is available 29-31 Jan and 12-14 Mar as Virtual Training.
OpenFOAM v6 Training
In Autumn 2018, CFD Direct is running its OpenFOAM Training courses — Essential CFD, Applied CFD, Programming CFD and Cloud CFD — fully updated with the latest features of the new version 6 release of OpenFOAM. Essential and Applied CFD courses are available: 24-27 Sep, London UK; 15-18 Oct, Chicago USA; 30 Oct – 1 Nov and 5-7 Nov, Virtual Training; 12-15 Nov, Munich Germany. Programming CFD is available 11-13 Sep and 2-4 Oct as Virtual Training. We use new features in OpenFOAM v6 for more productive and effective CFD.